You are using unvalidated product, Click here to support us Sanitarian : Jurnal Kesehatan 2022-04-22T07:43:05+00:00 Open Journal Systems Sanitarian: Jurnal Kesehatan HUBUNGAN KONDISI FISIK RUMAH DAN PERILAKU PENGHUNI RUMAH DENGAN KEJADIAN TUBERKULOSIS PARU DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS SANGGAU LEDO KABUPATEN BENGKAYANG TAHUN 2020 2022-04-22T07:21:01+00:00 Eva Ernawati Zainal Akhmadi Bambang Supraptono <p><em>Indonesia is now ranked fifth in the country with the highest TB burden in the world. Environmental factors are the conditions of the human environment and germs that support healthy changes to become sick. Behavioral factors that can affect pulmonary tuberculosis must be applied in life. The research objective was to determine the relationship between the physical condition of the house and the behavior of the occupants of the house with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis. This type of research uses analytic observational using a case control design. The population in this study were 56 people. analysis using Chi Square. The results of the research on the relationship between the physical condition of the house and the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis showed that there was a relationship between ventilation and the OR = 4636, there was no relationship, namely lighting, temperature, humidity and occupancy density. The behavior of the residents of the house that has a relationship, namely smoking habits, OR = 9.1670, the use of masks, OR = 8,000, the habit of throwing out saliva OR = 4.889, the habit of drying sleeping utensils, OR = 6.250, the habit of opening windows with OR = 4.500, while the there is no relationship, namely the habit of washing hands with soap with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis. Suggestions that researchers can give are not smoking, throwing out phlegm in any place, drying sleeping utensils once a week and opening windows every day. For families with pulmonary tuberculosis, efforts should be made to have adequate air ventilation. when in contact with sufferers always use a mask.</em></p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Sanitarian : Jurnal Kesehatan PREDIKSI BEBAS RABIES DI KABUPATEN SANGGAU TAHUN 2024 2022-04-22T07:21:02+00:00 Bambang Supraptono Ani Hermilestari Iswono <p>In theory, Rabies can be controlled and even eliminated, but it requires very strong cross-sectoral collaboration between health and veterinary medicine. The source of the disease in animals is the main factor determining whether or not Rabies can be eliminated. The sooner the detection of the emergence of rabies in an area, the faster and the greater the percentage of completion of Rabies control. Analyzing the risk factors for Rabies in Sanggau Regency and making a priority scale for solving the problem. This type of research uses a case control study of GHPR cases in Sanggau Regency. Predictions show that by the end of 2024 there will still be around 23 to 45 villages with GHPR. SABER 24 will only be able to reduce GHPR-free villages but not free Sanggau. Monitoring and evaluation with the right instrument are a requirement to complete the Rabies Free Sanggau. The need for the right instrument for monitoring and evaluation towards a rabies-free area.</p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Sanitarian : Jurnal Kesehatan GAMBARAN FAKTOR LINGKUNGAN DAN RUMAH TANGGA PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT (PHBS) TERHADAP KEJADIAN DIARE PADA BALITA DI WILAYAH UPK PUSKESMAS SIANTAN HILIR 2020 2022-04-22T07:21:03+00:00 Nur Andayani Mohammad Nasip Suharno <p><em>An integrated program to determine people's behavior about health is the Clean and Healthy Life Behavior Program (PHBS). The purpose of this study was to find out how the description of environmental factors and household factors for clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) on the incidence of diarrhea in toddlers in the UPK area of ​​the Siantan Hilir Health Center in 2020. The type of research was observational with a descriptive research design. The sample in this study were housewives who had children under five as many as 38 samples.</em></p> <p><em>The results of observations and interviews obtained results, knowledge of clean water in the good category 18 people (47.3%), knowledge of washing hands with clean water and soap in the good category 29 people (76%), and knowledge of using latrines in good category 17 people (45% ). Attitudes to use clean water in the good category are 11 people (30%), the attitude to washing hands with clean water and soap is in the good category 32 people (84%), the attitude to using the latrine is in the good category 20 people (52%). The behavior of using clean water in the good category is 12 people (31.5%), the behavior for washing hands with clean water and soap is in the good category 29 people (76%), the behavior of using the latrine is in the good category 11 people (29%). The knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of housewives in the working area of ​​the UPK Siantan Hilir Health Center were obtained from 38 respondents with 16 respondents who had toddlers, 5 of whom had a history of diarrhea.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Sanitarian : Jurnal Kesehatan GAMBARAN PENGENDALIAN VEKTOR DAN TIKUS DI RUMAH SAKIT TK. II KARTIKA HUSADA KUBU RAYA 2020 2022-04-22T07:21:04+00:00 Cita Juliandini Susilawati Hajimi <p><em>Transmission of nosocomial infections in hospitals can occur either directly (cross infection), namely through contamination of objects or through insects (vector borne infection), this condition can threaten the health of general public. The purpose of study was to secribe vector and rat control in Kartika Husada Type II Hospital, Kubu Raya. This research type was descriptive; research by giving an overview of vector and rat control in the Kartika Husada Type II Hospital, Kubu Raya. The research result on mosquito control have met the requirements (87.6%). Cockroach control met the requirements (80%). Fly control met the requirements (79.6%). Rat control that met the requirements (79.6%). The conclusion that vector and rat control in hospital meets the requirements. Solutions that can be given to the Kartika Husada Type II Hospital Kubu Raya district ti further improve vector and rat control activities.</em></p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Sanitarian : Jurnal Kesehatan HUBUNGAN ANTARA INTENSITAS KEBISINGAN DAN KARAKTERISTIK PEKERJA DENGAN TEKANAN DARAH KARYAWAN INDUSTRI MINYAK KELAPA PT. SARI KEMBANG PEMANGKAT 2021 2022-04-22T07:43:05+00:00 Ema Yusti Yulia Nurul Amaliyah <p><em>Noise is unwanted sound (Suma'mur, 2014). Exposure to high noise can endanger workers' health such as audiotory and nonaudiotory disorders like the increased of blood pressure or hypertension, the increased of pulse, sleep disturbances, irritability, communication disorders, balance disorders and others (Soeripto, 2008). PT. Sari Kembang Pemangkat is one of the coconut oil industries in Pemangkat, with several workspaces with noise that exceeds 85 dB. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relation between noise intensity and workers' characteristics with employees' blood pressure of PT. Sari Kembang Pemangkat. The design of this study was an observational analysis with a cross sectional approach. The research samples were 34 people. Bivariate data were analyzed by using chi-square test. There was no relation between noise intensity and blood pressure (p = 0.901); There was a relation between age and blood pressure (p = 0.000); There was no relation between length of work and blood pressure (p = 0.901); There was a relation between years of service and blood pressure (p = 0.042) and there was no relation between smoking habits and blood pressure (p = 0.409). It is recommended to the employees and the company to take good care of the equipments, to replace worn parts and provide lubricant to all moving parts, to install vibration dampers using rubber pads, to hang sound-absorbing materials in the workplaces so that the noise generated by the machines can be reduced less than 85 dB.</em></p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Sanitarian : Jurnal Kesehatan FAKTOR – FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PERILAKU IBU RUMAH TANGGA DALAM PENGELOLAAN POPOK SEKALI PAKAI DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS SUKABANGUN 2022-04-22T07:21:03+00:00 Sumarni Paulina Asmadi <p><em>Disposable diapers are devices in form of highly absorbent disposable diapers made of plastic and a mixture of chemicals to contain metabolic wastes such as urine and feces. This convenience increases the volume of disposable diapers usage and leaves environmental problems that not only pollute the environment, but also human health. The purpose of the study was to analyze the factors related to the housewives' behavior in the management of disposable diapers in RT 12 and RT 25 in the working area of Sukabangun Public Health Center. The analytic observational design was used in this research with cross sectional approach. The number of samples which are housewives who use disposable diapers were 35 people in total. &nbsp;It was obtained from the result that housewives with elementary education as much as 62.9%, housewives with kind knowledge level as much as 82.9%, housewives with negative attitudes as much as 57% and housewives behavior which do not manage the disposable diapers as much as 52%. There is a relation between education level (p = 0.000); knowledge (p = 000) and attitude (p = 0.000) with the behavior of housewives in the management of disposable diapers. Further research needs to be done by looking at the diseases caused by poor management of disposable diapers.</em></p> 2022-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Sanitarian : Jurnal Kesehatan HUBUNGAN SANITASI DAN PERILAKU CTPS DI RUMAH TANGGA DENGAN KEJADIAN STUNTING PADA ANAK BALITA DI KECAMATAN BENUA KAYONG UTARA KABUPATEN KETAPANG 2022-04-22T07:41:55+00:00 Maya Susanti Nurul Amaliyah Suharno <p><em>Stunting is a </em><em>form of a late growth process, and is one of the nutritional problems that needs attention. Poor environmental sanitation has an in direct impact on the health of toddlers which in turn can affect their nutritional status. The purpose of the study was to determine whether or not there was a relationship between sanitation and handwashing with soap in the household with the incidence of Stunting in Benua Kayong district, Ketapang Regency. This type of research is descriptive analytic to examine the relationship between Sanitation and Handwashing Behavior with Soap in the Household with Stunting Incidence in Toddlers in Benua Benua Kayong district, Ketapang Regency with a case-control research design. The results of the research respondents mostly have poor sanitation as many as 31 people (60.8%), most of them have the behavior of Washing Hands with Soap (CTPS), which is less as many as 29 people (90.6%). There is a relationship between sanitation and the incidence of Stunting with p = 0.009 with an OR of 4.808. There is a relationship between CTPS behavior and Stunting in children in Benua Benua Kayong district, Ketapang Regency with p value = 0.000 with OR = 27.619 Suggestions for research as a reference for the community that poor sanitation can cause several diseases, both diseases that arise in the environment and diseases that arise in the occupants of the house</em></p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Sanitarian : Jurnal Kesehatan