of Pontianak International Health Conference2024-07-17T02:59:24+00:00Elma Marsitaelmamarsita93@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Proceeding of Pontianak International Health Conference</strong> is published by the <strong>Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak</strong>, managed by the Pontianak Ministry of Health Research and Community Service Center for Health Poltekkes. Pontianak International Health Conference is an open-access journal with timely Peer Reviews in the health sciences. The focus and scope of publication consist of environmental health, occupational health, nutrition, nursing, midwifery, medical laboratory technology, and general medicine. The proceeding is published once every two years.</p> of Citronella (Cymbopogon Nardus) And Green Betel Leaf (Piper Betle) Mouthwash on Plaque Reduction2024-07-17T01:39:19+00:00Sri Rezkisrirezki70@gmail.comRita Herlinaritaherlina@gmail.comTia<p>Dental plaque is a soft layer that consists of a collection of microorganisms that multiply. Plaque is the main cause of oral diseases such as caries and gingivitis. Plaque control can be done chemically using mouthwash. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of citronella and green betel leaf mouthwash on reducing plaque scores. This is a quasi-experimental study, with pretest and posttest design. The population are children aged 8-10 years at SDN 09 North Pontianak (32 students). Sample was collected by total sampling technique. Mouthwash was made from mixture of filtered citronella juice and boiled green betel leaf. The results showed that the difference of mean plaque score before and after gargling with water was 9.09; before and after gargling using citronella and green betel leaves mouthwash was 20.06. The Wilcoxon test shows a sig value of 0.000<(2-tailed) or a probability value (p) of 0.000<0.05. This shows that citronella and green betel leaves mouthwash can significantly inhibit plaque formation.</p>2024-07-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of Pontianak International Health Conference of Upflow Aeration and Filtration for Reducing Iron (Fe) and Manganese (Mn) Levels in Shallow Groundwater2024-07-17T01:38:43+00:00Fara Chitra Farachitrafara2@gmail.comPrayudi Prayudiprayudi23@gmail.comZainal<p>Water quality is essential for human health and ecosystem sustainability. Groundwater often contains elevated levels of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn), leading to aesthetic and health concerns. This study investigates the efficacy of combining upflow aeration and filtration techniques to mitigate Fe and Mn concentrations in shallow groundwater. Conducted as a quasi-experimental Time Series Design, the research focused on shallow groundwater in Kantor Village, Delta Pawan District, Ketapang Regency. The treatment involves a combination of aeration and filtration using shell sand, zeolite, activated carbon, and various filtration media. The results showed a substantial reduction in Fe and Mn levels in across all treatments, particularly notable with the aeration and multi-media filtration combination (shell sand, zeolite, and activated carbon). The average reduction in Fe levels was 90.11%, and for Mn, it was 83.17%. These findings highlight the potential of this approach in enhancing water quality for human consumption and environmental sustainability.</p>2024-07-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of Pontianak International Health Conference of Andong Leaf Extract (Cordyline fruticosa (L) A. Chev) as an Indicator for Acidimetric Titration2024-07-17T02:59:24+00:00Ari Nuswantoroarinuswantoro82@gmail.comIrgi Saputrairgisaputra@gmail.comRatih<p>Andong leaves have a red pigment that comes from flavonoid compounds, namely anthocyanin, which can be used as a natural dye. Anthocyanin pigments are secondary metabolites and are polar pigments that are naturally soluble in water so they have the ability to react both with acids and bases. Anthocyanin pigments will change to red if they are in an acidic environment and will turn green or yellow if they are in an alkaline environment. The characteristic color change of this anthocyanin pigment is the potential of andong leaf extract as a natural indicator in determining the end point in acidimetric titration. This study aims to determine whether there is a difference in the concentration of HCl titrated with the indicator methyl orange (MO) and andong leaf extract. The research design used was quasi-experimental with a purposive sampling technique. The sample is andong leaf extract with a concentration of 60%. Then the sample was applied as an acidimetric titration indicator for 32 titrations. Based on the results of acidimetric titration, the average HCl concentration value using the MO indicator was 0.0953 N and the average HCl concentration value using andong leaf extract was 0.0937 N. Based on the results of the Mann-Whitney test, a significance value of 0.000 (<0.05) was obtained, which means that there was a difference in the concentration of HCl titrated with the indicator MO and 60% andong leaf extract</p>2024-07-07T21:11:37+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of Pontianak International Health Conference of Sarcoptes scabiei Infestation among Students at Babus Salam Islamic Boarding School, Karawaci2024-07-17T01:40:21+00:00Nur Meutia Aushaf Zayyannurmeutia@gmail.comBagus Muhammad<p>Sarcoptes scabiei, the causative agent of scabies, poses a significant public health concern worldwide, particularly in developing countries where prevalence rates range from 6% to 27%. Factors such as socio-economic status and ecological conditions, notably high-density living environments like dormitories and Islamic Boarding Schools, contribute to increased transmission risk, particularly among children and adults. This study focuses on Babus Salam Islamic Boarding School in Karawaci, Tangerang, Indonesia, characterized by its student community, religious practices, and educational traditions. Employing a descriptive analytic approach with a cross-sectional design, the research involved physical examinations and skin scraping sampling of the students, followed by microscopic analysis in the Parasitology Laboratory of Polytechnic Kemenkes Banten. The findings reveal a 100% absence of Sarcoptes scabiei infestation among the students at Pondok Pesantren Babus Salam. This research underscores the importance of understanding scabies epidemiology in specific demographic settings to inform targeted prevention and control strategies</p>2024-07-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of Pontianak International Health Conference INFLUENCE OF EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS ABOUT STROKE PREVENTION ON THE KNOWLEDGE LEVEL OF HYPERTENSION PATIENTS IN THE WORKING AREA OF PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER NORTH SINGKAWANG II2024-07-07T21:16:43+00:00Mirantimiranti67@gmail.comLily YuniarlilyYuniar@gmail.comErni<p><strong>Introduction </strong>: Hypertension or high blood pressure is an increase in systolic blood pressure of more than 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure of more than 90 mmHg. Hypertension now continues to be a global problem because its prevalence continues to increase in line with unhealthy lifestyle behaviors such as obesity, smoking, alcohol use, psychosocial stress and lack of activity, 51% of deaths from stroke worldwide are caused by high blood pressure. M<strong>ethod: </strong><em>quasi-experimental research </em>with a <em>pretest-posttest form</em> <em>with control group design. </em>In this study, the intervention group received education using video media, while the control group received education using leaflet media. Before the intervention was carried out, a pretest was carried out in both groups, then continued with providing education with videos to the intervention group and leaflets were given to the control group; <strong>Results </strong>: Knowledge in the intervention group obtained a value of 0.012 or p value <0.05, meaning that there was a significant difference in knowledge in the intervention group, whereas in the control group, the value of knowledge obtained was a p value of 0.001 (<0.05), meaning that there was a significant difference in the increase in knowledge in the control group. . The average difference in knowledge in the intervention group was 22.35, while in the control group the average difference in knowledge was 15.67. ; (4) <strong>Conclusion </strong>: There is a significant influence on the knowledge of hypertensive patients before and after being given intervention in the form of health education through educational videos about stroke prevention in hypertensive patients with p value results (0.012) in the Mann Withney test. And there is a significant change in knowledge in the control group with p value was obtained (0.001) using the Wilcoxon test.</p>2024-07-07T21:06:31+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of Pontianak International Health Conference Brain (Brain Gym) To Enhancement Power Remember For Preschool Age Children (Age 4-6 Years) In Kindergarten Setapuk Besar Village2024-07-07T21:21:09+00:00Erni juniartatiernijuniartati@gmail.comAufa Rahmi aufarahmi55@gmail.comLily Yuniar<p><strong>Background: </strong>Future performance and quality of life of a person and in Social life is an influence on children's intellectual development and academic performance. Golden period in the process of developing independence in early childhood is at preschool age. Preschool age children's readiness to improve cognitive development is a must so that children do not experience lateness in process learning And socialize. Practice memory on children in the learning process and improving achievement can be done in various ways. Therefore, researchers took the initiative to do brain exercises to improve the memory of preschool-aged children. 1) Research Objective: To prove that brain exercises are effective in improving memory in preschool children. 2) Research Method: The research method uses <em>a quasi-experiment </em>with a <em>pre-test </em>and <em>post-test </em>with control design. The sample consisted of 52 children who were divided into intervention groups and control groups. The intervention group was given an introduction to transportation and brain exercises, while the control group was given an introduction to transportation. 4) Results: The results of the study show that brain exercises can improve the memory of preschool children (4-6 years old) in the Setapuk Besar District State Kindergarten. With a P- <em>value </em>= 0.000 (p value < 0.05), Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. 5) Conclusion: The results of this study can be concluded that brain exercises can improve the memory of preschool children (aged 4-6 years).</p>2024-07-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of Pontianak International Health Conference of Predictions Relating to Sensitive Factors Stunting in West Kalimantan Province (Study Analysis of 2021 Bkkbn Family Data Collection and 2021 SSGI)2024-07-17T02:14:51+00:00Didik Hariyadididikhariyadi@gmail.comDahliansyahdahliansyah81@gmail.comAyu Rafionyayurafiony@gmail.comYanuarti<p>Prevention <em>stunting</em> requires integrated and comprehensive nutritional interventions, including specific nutritional interventions and sensitive nutrition. The contribution of sensitive nutrition interventions will reduce nutritional problems, one of which is stunting by 70%, and is in the non-health sector. The large role of the non-health sector or sensitive interventions in overcoming nutritional problems, in this case the prevalence of stunting, deserves more attention. The aim of this research was to determine the determinants of sensitive nutritional intervention factors (non-health) on the incidence of stunting in West Kalimantan Province area. This research uses quantitative research methods with a Secondary Data Analysis (ADS) approach. Utilizing secondary data in question is data from SSGI results, West Kalimantan Provincial Food Plantation Service and data from the 2021 KALBAR BKKBN. This data is then processed systematically and objectively. The statistical analysis that will be carried out includes univariable and bivariable analysis with tests<em>Chi Square</em> and multivariable with <em>path analysis</em>. The research results show that there are still households where clean water is not available and toilets are unhealthy. The majority of mothers are/have used birth control. Only 11.89% of mothers had attended classes for pregnant women and 8.71% had attended classes for toddlers. Birth length ≥48 cm and exclusive breastfeeding reduce stunting in toddlers. Men have a higher chance of stunting than women. Low food intake, and having a history of disease increases stunting in toddlers. The increase in exclusive breastfeeding is influenced by the mother's use of family planning and is statistically close to significant. Complete immunization status in children under five reduces the risk of pneumonia and a history of illness in children. Mothers who attend toddler classes increase the completeness of immunization status in toddlers.</p>2024-07-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of Pontianak International Health Conference Effect Of Wild Guava (Bellucia Pentamera Naudin) Yogurt On Cholesterol Levels In Mice (Mus Musculus)2024-07-17T02:11:44+00:00Firdha Safa Al MukarramahFirdhasafa@gmail.comYanuarti Petrikayanuartip87@gmail.comShelly<p>Based on 2018 Riskesdas data, the proportion of total cholesterol levels in Indonesia is 21.2%. Cholesterol poses a complex issue in the human body. Managing high cholesterol involves limiting fat intake and maintaining a balanced diet. Wild guava, a fruit native to West Kalimantan, has a high Vitamin C content. Vitamin C serves as a natural antioxidant that protects the body from various diseases. Wild guava can be processed into yogurt, a functional food containing probiotics like Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) which have potential anti-cholesterol properties. Method: This study employed an Experiment Pre-Post Control Group Design with treatment and control groups. The research design involved five randomly divided groups, with three as treatment groups and two as control groups for comparison. Data were analyzed using Sample Paired T-test and One Way ANOVA to assess average differences before and after treatment and between treatment groups. Results: The average cholesterol levels pre and post-intervention in all groups showed a significant reduction in cholesterol levels with a p-value < 0.05. Additionally, the comparison of cholesterol levels between intervention and control groups also exhibited a significant decrease in cholesterol levels with a p-value < 0.05, particularly with a 15% fruit concentrate treatment showing differing averages. Conclusion: Administering wild guava yogurt (Bellucia pentamera naudin) led to a decrease in cholesterol levels in mice (Mus musculus), especially with the addition of a 15% fruit concentrate.</p>2024-07-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of Pontianak International Health Conference and Education on the Prevention of Dental Caries with the Addition of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment Techniques and prevention with Fissure Sealant 2024-07-17T02:03:57+00:00Nike Haryani NikeNikeharyani30@gmail.comErma<p>Caries is an infectious disease that results from bacterial interactions. Dental caries occurs due to the demineralization process from bacterial interactions on the tooth surface. Pontianak City, based on the results of screening carried out in ten kindergartens and preschools supported by the Sungai Kakap Community Health Center, on average, school children at an early age had caries, and children were even found to have experienced damage to their first permanent molars. In the initial survey, researchers found problems with the teeth and mouth of students at SD Negeri 05 North Pontianak who still had minimal knowledge and understanding about how to maintain healthy teeth and mouth, and overcome dental and oral health diseases. And it was found in the initial data collection that there were 84 teeth with enamel caries that were indicated for filling with <em>art techniques </em>and 74 deep fissure teeth that required fissure sealant. This research aims to overcome this problem. The research results of 183 respondents who had healthy teeth were 14%. There are 40% who have signs of dental caries so fissure sealant treatment is carried out to prevent caries. And as many as 46% had dental caries so fillings were carried out using the Atraumatic Restorative Treatment technique. Dental and oral health service activities that have been implemented at SD Negeri 05 North Pontianak have succeeded in improving dental and oral health. By carrying out treatment according to the indications experienced by the respondent</p>2024-06-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of Pontianak International Health Conference of Determinants of Unmet Need for Family Planning in West Kalimantan: Analysis of Data from Demographic and Health Surveys 2017 2024-07-17T02:02:57+00:00Elma Marsitaelmamarsita93@gmail.comLydia Febri Kurniatin<p><strong>Background </strong>: Unmet need for family planning <em>(unmet need) </em>is for couples of childbearing age who do not want to have more children or want to space out pregnancies but do not use contraception. The <em>Unmet Need </em>rate for contraception is still stated to be high. Based on 2017 Indonesian SDKI data, it is stated that 11% of married women's family planning needs have not been met, 4% for spacing births and 7% for limiting births. This figure is still far from the RPJMN target of 6.5%, while the target set by <em>the Sustainable Development Goals </em>(SDGs) is 5%. The same problem occurred in West Kalimantan Province, 2017 SDKI findings It is stated that 10% of married women's needs for family planning have not been met, 5% for spacing births and 5% for limiting births. The increase in the number of <em>unmet needs </em>for family planning will be in line with the increase in population. This will impact on the level of welfare , quality of education , development and health will reduce the quality of the local population . <strong>Research Objectives: </strong>Analyze the factors that influence the unmet need for <em>contraception </em>in West Kalimantan based on the results of the 2017 SDKI data analysis. <strong>Methods: </strong>This research uses a quantitative design. Respondents were women of childbearing age aged 15-49 years who were not pregnant and did not have postpartum amenorrhea, were fertile, wanted to postpone pregnancy within the next 2 years or did not want any more children, but did not use birth control methods, or WUS are pregnant but the pregnancy was not timely or unwanted, or WUS has postpartum amenorrhea and a pregnancy that occurred in the last 2 years was not timely or unwanted when collecting 2017 SDKI data in West Kalimantan province. Data were analyzed univariately, bivariately ( <em>chi square </em>), and multivariately ( <em>logistic regression </em>). <strong>Results </strong>: There is a significant relationship between age ( <em>p-value </em>= 0.005 | OR=2.059), birth control decision maker ( <em>p-value </em>= 0.000 | OR=0.381), side effects of birth control that have been experienced ( <em>p-value </em>= 0.000 | OR=3.616), togetherness with husband ( <em>p-value </em>=0.000 | OR=5.051) and frequency of sexual intercourse ( <em>p-value </em>=0.000 | OR=0.335) on Unmet Need for contraception . The results of the multivariate analysis show that if the variables together are in the good category, then the probability of not having an Unmet Need for KB is 85%, while 15% is influenced by other variables. Meanwhile, there is no relationship between education level ( <em>p-value </em>= 0.779), employment status ( <em>p-value </em>= 0.125) , parity ( <em>p-value </em>= 0.892) , knowledge of family planning methods ( <em>p-value </em>= 1.000) , place of residence ( <em>p- value </em>=0.111) , health problems ( <em>p-value </em>=0.839), access to contraceptive services ( <em>p-value </em>=0.515) , family planning health promotion by health workers ( <em>p-value multi </em>=0.109) and family planning health promotion at home ( <em>p-value </em>= 1,000) to the incidence of Unmet Need</p>2024-07-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of Pontianak International Health Conference