Promotion and Education on the Prevention of Dental Caries with the Addition of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment Techniques and prevention with Fissure Sealant

  • Nike Haryani Nike Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak
  • Erma Mahmiyah
  • Halimah


Caries is an infectious disease that results from bacterial interactions. Dental caries occurs due to the demineralization process from bacterial interactions on the tooth surface. Pontianak City, based on the results of screening carried out in ten kindergartens and preschools supported by the Sungai Kakap Community Health Center, on average, school children at an early age had caries, and children were even found to have experienced damage to their first permanent molars. In the initial survey, researchers found problems with the teeth and mouth of students at SD Negeri 05 North Pontianak who still had minimal knowledge and understanding about how to maintain healthy teeth and mouth, and overcome dental and oral health diseases. And it was found in the initial data collection that there were 84 teeth with enamel caries that were indicated for filling with art techniques and 74 deep fissure teeth that required fissure sealant. This research aims to overcome this problem. The research results of 183 respondents who had healthy teeth were 14%. There are 40% who have signs of dental caries so fissure sealant treatment is carried out to prevent caries. And as many as 46% had dental caries so fillings were carried out using the Atraumatic Restorative Treatment technique. Dental and oral health service activities that have been implemented at SD Negeri 05 North Pontianak have succeeded in improving dental and oral health. By carrying out treatment according to the indications experienced by the respondent
