Analysis of Predictions Relating to Sensitive Factors Stunting in West Kalimantan Province (Study Analysis of 2021 Bkkbn Family Data Collection and 2021 SSGI)

  • Didik Hariyadi Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak
  • Dahliansyah Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak
  • Ayu Rafiony Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak
  • Yanuarti Petrika


Prevention stunting requires integrated and comprehensive nutritional interventions, including specific nutritional interventions and sensitive nutrition. The contribution of sensitive nutrition interventions will reduce nutritional problems, one of which is stunting by 70%, and is in the non-health sector. The large role of the non-health sector or sensitive interventions in overcoming nutritional problems, in this case the prevalence of stunting, deserves more attention. The aim of this research was to determine the determinants of sensitive nutritional intervention factors (non-health) on the incidence of stunting in West Kalimantan Province area. This research uses quantitative research methods with a Secondary Data Analysis (ADS) approach. Utilizing secondary data in question is data from SSGI results, West Kalimantan Provincial Food Plantation Service and data from the 2021 KALBAR BKKBN. This data is then processed systematically and objectively. The statistical analysis that will be carried out includes univariable and bivariable analysis with testsChi Square and multivariable with path analysis. The research results show that there are still households where clean water is not available and toilets are unhealthy. The majority of mothers are/have used birth control. Only 11.89% of mothers had attended classes for pregnant women and 8.71% had attended classes for toddlers. Birth length ≥48 cm and exclusive breastfeeding reduce stunting in toddlers. Men have a higher chance of stunting than women. Low food intake, and having a history of disease increases stunting in toddlers. The increase in exclusive breastfeeding is influenced by the mother's use of family planning and is statistically close to significant. Complete immunization status in children under five reduces the risk of pneumonia and a history of illness in children. Mothers who attend toddler classes increase the completeness of immunization status in toddlers.
